L-O-V-E! NYAPPY! o(>W<)o
Sunday, December 31, 2006
5:19 PM
My mum always told me not to believe anything my father says because he usually doesn't do it. I realise that she's no better. I can't believe that she actually blabbered something that she won't do. Or maybe I was stupid enough to trust her again.
So, there goes my hope for Kirill for now. I was even so dumb to believe that she really was going to lend me the money, and went to paragraph up all the paypal and DOD stuff for her to read. It was just 1 night, and her WHOLE thinking changed. I'm not angry that she won't lend me the money, I'm angry at the fact that she raised my hopes up and just kicked it back down like some piece of rubbish for the THIRD time. She needs to go to Thailand and live with my father, I can't stand seeing her for another minute. It disgusts me so much I don't even feel like eating the food she cooks.
I live in a whole house of liars. I'm surprised I could live for 16 whole years.
Friday, December 29, 2006
11:45 PM
Isn't it WERID, that when you already have a job, your mother keeps bugging you to look for another that she thinks has a more 'better and prosperous' pay? I mean, I have a job already, why the fuck are you telling me to find another one? If you're not tired of walking around places, filling up application forms until you get fed-up and facing scary interviewers, please take my place for one day.
Okay, I don't blame her for trying to help me find better jobs, the point is, I am talking to you about something esle! Urgh, this is stupid. Listen when people talk to you, damnit. The conversation goes like this,
Me: Erm, Mummy. How much can you lend me?
Mum: How much do you need?
Me: Not really sure.
Mum: You haven't get your first month's pay and you come and talk about this with me?
Me: I need to estimate how much I have to save to give you. (=.=)
Mum: How much can you get from that job? I this morning sms you so many, you never in bother to call. At least you try to call and ask, they might have higher pay....(Blah blah about me not putting in effort to find jobs and whatever)
HELLO? Do you understand english? The point is, I'm asking you how much you're willing to lend me so I can estimate how much I can pay you a month. If I feel it's not enough, I will look for a job with higher pay, but the point is, you're SITLL lamenting on the fact that I found a job because I got recommendation through a friend and NOT from one of your weird classified shits?! OMG, my mother goes OT faster than I can make Zero OOC from my fic. Just because my job isn't one of her chosen specifically, highly regarded, assumed high pay ones, I can't sit down and have a proper discussion with you about something esle.
Seriously, she should try going ONE DAY job hunting. Call the company, "We'll call you back to inform you." / "You're too young." / "Huh? No working experience?!" types of answers everytime. I betcha, she can't last for a week. She'll probably go bersek and forget about job-hunting.
I can't stand it! Just because my cousin used to work at burberry she thinks everyone can just walk in and get the job. HELLO? Fill in application form? Interviewed by scary managers? I had enough. -_-
Kirill and Ivan, Kirill and Ivan, I hope I can get them in a pair. I'm sooooo confused now I decided to just wait till I get my first month's salary before I decide.
1. H.Ducan (I have to get his eyes opened a little)
2. Sha (The real him doesn't look as nice)
3. H. Kirill and Ivan (I don't feel like getting them alone, they look so nice in each other's company, I feel bad just getting one. BUT, it's 1.5k D8)
4. Archenar (Random wig and eyes, a bit not...up to budget. But so pretty T^T)
I'm considering getting Kirill and Ivan together. T_T BUT, I couldn't even get the decent talk with my mother about the money lending issue? WTF right? D8<
Thursday, December 28, 2006
11:27 PM
People who were supposed to be together DID NOT go together. AND WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING OVER A FUCKING OLD EMPEROR! His....things gotta be OLD AND SAGGY. EWWW. I can't believe it. I would rather kill myself if I were an imperial concubine. GODS, the emperor is OLD. =.=
EEEEE, WTF. I shall hate channel 55's hongkong drama from now on! Fucking angst everywhere! Urgh, at least something good happened in this episode, someone who deserved to die got killed by the person I least expected would actually try to kill him. o_O
Urgh, I should stop watching angsty shows now. But those concubines fighting with each other verbally and indirectly over that fucking old rotting emperor aka hentai jiji amuse me. Their conversations are so interesting! 8D Okay, I'm mad.
The raining season should be stopping soon. Tsk, feel a bit sad that we don't have snow, but the rain makes up for all! Yes, I like the rain. I always liked it when it's a friday and I coming back from school, then it rains and I can play in it.
Tora is sick! (heard from Leo) Take care! @(>_<)@ Alice Nine-tachi always get sick often, guess because it's the cold season in Japan now. They have to wear more thicker jackets and drink more Miso soup! Gambatte Tora!!
Higurashi no naku koro ni should have a second season, I still can't solve the mystery. x_x
Fanfics are love! Writing them aren't though. Just don't get the inspiration, nothing comes out.
Urgh, I want to cuddle into bed and sleep, maybe it'll be better if it was night everyday.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
11:38 PM
To conclude why I am a weird anime/manga fan,
1. Peace-loving, no war talking, brown hair main characters should die.
2. People-manipulating, High IQ, special power accquired evil main characters should pwn all anime.
3. Pink hair, peace-loving, bird-loving, singer princesses should dye their hair blonde and learn to kick ass if not, thxb
4. Blonde hair tomboys and genetically mutated girls who kick ass should be the main characters.
5. Lime-green hair characters pwn all animes.
6. Red hair female twins should stop stealing boyfriends.
7. Kira, Lacus, Suzaku, Euphimia (whatever) digust me.
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
It was raining again today. D= I didn't really want to go anywhere, so I stayed at home and lazed around. After giving up on the internet's speed (youtube wasn't even working), i decided to hop over to my mum's room and watch some anime on cable tv. Lucky me, there was this random rather violent anime showing in JAPANESE (not some fucked up chinese/english dub) so I cuddled up to my blanket and watched. Then One piece was in chinese so I came back and found my internet working again.
My mum is saying that the internet will have a delay for the next few days. o_O Not that I care, the speed here is alright, although it's a little slow. Urgh I feel I didn't sleep enough. x_x I was up till 4am this morning watching Sumomo mo momo mo (Yes, I know stupid name). I shall watch episode 3 now, I saw the mutated polar bear Sh90 was talking about on one of the screencaps.
To Yj and whoever asked the question: I AM BEING IGNORED, SO WATCH DN2 with me. That is, when I have the money. x_x
Sumomo mo momo mo~ (Sumomo-ness is taking over the world, Haruhism still reigns though.)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
9:09 PM
I was supposed to go out with Haku and Hayate today. But the rain stopped me. Tsk. -_- My cousin found me a job! XD I don't know if it's confirmed but if it is, I'll be getting my doll soon. -jumps around crazily-
Ok, so I spent half the christmas day napping. It's like the family tradition to go to my grandma's house every christmas, so I basically spent the day getting pwned on PS2 GSD zaft whatever game it's called by my brother, watching my cousin play KH2 (He skips all the scenes, I wonder why he even plays -_-) and watch my brother play FFX-2. My little cousin was like screaming and shouting everywhere in the place, so I chose to ignore her after she pulled the stunt of trying to break down my room door on christmas eve.
I was watching this new anime, Red Garden and I kinda felt that I wasted time because half of the first episode, there were bloody wimpy girls screaming and crying their asses off. I was like explaining to my brother how to actually kill the monster-like guy.
Of all the times, I have to not have money now. -_- There's an order for the Gazette jacket and vest. It's SO nice, but if I had the money, I would get the vest first, cause it's nicer and more wearable.
Oh! More photos from last friday's photoshoot, credits to Tsubaki from http://animedesho.animeblogger.net Check out his anime blog, It's really interesting! Sakura and Naruto (Izumi)
No Sasuke or Kakashi. )= (Sasuke was MIA-ed and Kakashi was in Indonesia)
Omg, so shy. I got a solo picture! @(>_<)@ Credits to iamacow from sgcafe. Someone caught Sakura napping! XD That's all! I shall retreat to watch anime now. Muahahaha~
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
She has seriously monsterous powers. I wonder if all kids did. I swear I will not have kids next time. It's so bloody troublesome. They lie better than you, they have more mood swings then a pregenant lady and they don't give a hoot for cleaniness. I shall stick to dolls.
You'll probably say that too, if your 6 year old cousin who wants to eat chocolate (but cannot eat) goes in front of your face and tells you, "My daddy say can." Then pouts and crosses her arms and stomps her feet and whatever shit. I shall set traps in my room from now on, I don't want her to stomp in a destroy my manga collection. x_x
I want to snuggle back into my blankets and cuddle my pillow. >_<
Sunday, December 24, 2006
1:37 AM
I went for a Gazette fan meeting and then Kuroichou outing today! Um, yesterday. XD It was fun! But I'm like...tired. I need to update my profile soon.
I just realised...it's Christmas eve. Oh wtf, it's a stupid season when people go out in groups and be happy. Spend excessive amounts of money and eats lots of turkey. (Omg, it...actually rhytms!) EK, I hate festive seasons.
Snagged it from friendster while I was waiting for Gintama to load.
1. Do you know where your sister is right now?- I have a sister? Woah, Nigel I didn't know you crossdress!
2. Last time you hugged someone?- I think it was my blanket.
3. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? - I spend too much money.
4. What color is your watch? - I don't wear watches, they're irritating.
5. Do you like anyone? - I try not to.
6. Do you know of anyone who likes you? - No.
7. Where do you work?- Don't wanna say.
8. What are you listening to right now? - Blue Planet/ Alice Nine
9. What do you smell like?- My clothes.
10. What color are your pants/jeans?- Usually dark blue. I mean what colours can jeans be? Neon orange?! ._.
11. Closest thing to your left? - A cup.
12. What color is your bedroom flooring? - Brown... Shit brown. XD
13. Do you have a chair in your room? - I have like 3.
14. Time you were born? - At night
15. Do you know anyone who is engaged? - No.
16. What's your favorite number?- Number 6 (XD)
17. Do you know someone named Lori?- No.
18. What color is your mom's hair?- Black with brown bits. (Sounds like some chao ta cookie)
19. Do you have a dog?- Fake ones, LOADS.
20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?- Believe me, you don't wanna know.
21. When was the last time you went swimming? -URGH, like 3 years ago?!
22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?- About 2 hours ago.
23. Did you ever go to a camp as child ? - They didn't organise unti I was like...p5?
24. Do you play an instrument? - Recorder counted?
25. Do you like fire?- (Burns leaf) WOW, It BURNS!
26. Are you allergic to anything? - INSECTS, Bad hair days, and naggings.
27. When was the last time you cried? - I forgot.
29. Have you ever been to a spa?- My mum brought me to one
30. Did you take science all four years of high school? - Yeah, reluctantly. (Hey, I liked Bio.)
31. Do you like butterflies? - Please don't remind me. -thinks of Busou Renkin and SHIVERS.-
33. What is one thing you miss about your past?- Nothing.
34. Have you ever seen the school counselor?- No, I was a good girl. (SMILES WIDELY)
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? Oh hell no.
36. What is one thing you've learned about life? Do not buy things on impulse.
37. Are you jealous of anyone? ALL THE BJD OWNERS. T_T
38. Is anyone jealous of you? How the hell do I know? It's not like everyone pastes signs on their foreheads going, "HEY, I'm GREEN WITH JEALOUSY and my target's YOU."
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator? No, and I do not want to be.
40. What does your mom call you? Gwendolyn, Gwen, Daughter, Zha Bor Kia, Si gi na. (Unidentified english phrases are hokkien pingyin.)
41. What does your siblings call you? Used to be... Gwendedon. Then it changed into Jie jie after my mum scolded him for calling me... Alienatic names. -_-
42. What does you hair look like right now? It's rather short and NORMAL. As long as it's gets stuffed into the wig and I don't get a headache, I don't care. x_x
43. Has a friend ever used you? "Can help me write down that sentence, I cannot see." "OMFG, YOU USED ME! -sobs pitifully- To think I trusted you so much!"....wtf?
44. Has anyone recently told you that they like you? This is really not a good question.
45. What have you eaten today? -LOL, lots of junk food and...Black carrot cake and a KAYA bun just now. (I ATE KAYA! MUAHAHAHA.)
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? - Straight then curly at end. (Omg, sounds like frizzed hair.)
47. What is your favorite movie? ... I guess too many.
48. Who was the last person you drove with? So wrong la. TSK.
49. What are you looking forward to? A $6/hr job.
50. How are you today? Tired but rather happy.
Oh ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! (Unlucky person who gets christmas and birthday presents together >8D)
In the year 2007, you will be turning what age?: 17
in what month?: July.
How do you feel about turning that age?: Still no freedom.
Do you want to...Lose weight?: Kinda, Just the tummy fats.
Exercise more?: I hope I can...
Get a better job?: TOTALLY.
Go to school/college?: Poly.
Have any other resolution? Or No resolution?: Do good cosplays, get my first doll, get more dolls and yaoi doujins.
Are you going to get married?: Wtf?
Have a baby?: -_-
Buy a house?: I can't even keep my ROOM clean. A house?
Graduate from school?: Who doesn't?
Any other major things going on?: Cosplay events!
And Lastly...Do you have any hopes for 2007?: Well, maybe a few
What are they?: More cosplay events, get my FIRST doll and... something not convinient to say. ^^;
Anything you want to declare about 2007?: I want money. LOTS OF IT.
Bedtime. x_x
Saturday, December 23, 2006
2:11 AM
Shou (DoT Sha saving fund)
I...LOL-ED at this crack fanvid. OMG, CHIYO-CHAN'S IN IT! (Okay, super cute Chibi envy's in it too.) >8D
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
Friday, December 22, 2006
11:37 PM
I went for my first photoshoot in my whole life today! It was seriously...tiring. BUT, VERY FUN! 8D
OMG, I feel a little crazy, somehow I think I'm hallucinating and joy is overflooding my senses! WHEEE, I feel happy! X) If I can get Shou, I think I will be able to pay off the money all together. I was thinking VERY hard after EOY whether I want to save EVEN longer to get Shou. It seems that I can't. Especially if I have been waiting for...5 months. x_x I know I can get it eventually, I can save slowly and all, but maybe I feel a bit empty? It's just like when I saw those dolls, I went "They'll be my lifetime companion." and all. Maybe I hold dolls more importantly than cosplay now? I really don't know. ^^; What I do know, is that if I save by my own, I am 101% not going to be able to get him at all. Because as a very very impulsive spend thrift, I will end up using the money to buy other things. I guess the only person who knows me best is myself. ^^; I knew I regreted buying a lot of things in the past without carefully thinking. So I don't want to in the end angst somemore for spending the money supposingly saved for Shou on some manga with a bishe splashed on it's cover. I guess I must be a very lonely person. -Laughs at self- Since up till now, none of my old school/class mates have even asked me out for a movie. (Not that I'm complaining, I think I'm the one that changed a lot.) I can't really say that they're not wanting to be friends with me anymore, because I think most of us really don't click anymore? Sometimes I used to feel left out when they were discussing about their korean dramas and I was...fangirling over some 2D fake guy printed on paper. I do admit I used to go crazy over those Taiwanese bands because...they were popular and that if I knew about them, I would have something to talk about. I really am a lonely lonely person. -Sarcastic laugh at self- I think they're really find me weird now, because while they're talking about some chessy drama guyxgirl high school romance, I'm like talking about some super smex guyxguy high school yaoi manga. (-nosebleeds and runs off to read her allenxkanda-) And while they're playing games like maple, I'm discussing with my brother which dressphere should I give to Paine the next time I get my hands on my cousin's PS2. FFX-2 is like the best game every girl could play! It's like kick-ass! XD I get to control Yuna, Rikku and Paine. But it's ENGLISH. -_- The dub of all the horror sounds totally Charlie Angels crossover final fantasy. I wanted to smack my brother for NOT choosing FXII. OMG LA, he had the chance, and he took X-2. -smacks- My cousin didn't choose any Bleach or Naruto games. RAWR. I want. T_T Hitsu-chan... I need to sleep now, I have to wake up early tomorrow, I have a photoshoot at chinese gardens at 1pm. I need to get to Haku's house at 9.30am. x_x I have to wake up at like....7.30am? I want to watch more Gintama and Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. -crawls off to watch-
Thank you all photographers for taking our pictures! 8D Really, it was a very very fun day! Okay, I shall start from the beginning. AHEM.
Today, I was supposed to go to Haku's house at 9.30am to help her with Aoi's present, but ended up getting delayed because I HAD to clear my room first. Anyway, away with all the rubbish, i packed up my stuffs into this BIG bag (Including boots! COOL RIGHT! I can actually stuff the boots in!) and left for Haku's house.
So, I reached there and Hayate, Neji and Kurenai were already there, so I went to prepare and we all took a taxi to the chinese gardens (anko included). So we left our stuff at some random place at the mrt station and went to the toilet to change. While we were like inside, I think people got SHOCKED because the moment they opened the door, they see some PINK hair girl with PINK eyebrows. XD
Anyway, so me, Haku, Hayate and Izumi were doing our make-up in the toilet and I decided to get out for a while because I was crowding up the toilet cause Kimimi(Sh90) came inside too. And the moment I got outside, this group of...kids (my brother's age) went like... "I think they're doing some Naruto thing la." I was like -_- "Oh, so they know."
And while I was walking back to the random spot, guess who appeared. RETRO GENMA (with wrong hair colour) . I forgot to mention that Genma (previous Neji) actually had some wrong connection with his nervous system, causing him to continously repeat the word "Ouuuuraaan" in sopprano-type voice.
So we left for the japanese garden (which was hidden DEEP inside the chinese gardens, when I meant DEEP, I mean like walking 2km in your platform boots. And wtf, I didn't know there was a Japanese garden because the only thing they put on the mrt sign is CHINESE GARDEN, so bias -_-) It was under construction but oh wth, the whole group of us just went in. >8D
They found some resort looking like AIRCON place which was....LOCKED. WTFBBQ RAWR. So we had to camp outside. x_x So after dumping our bags outside, everyone starting going around and taking photos and being lame Genma performed ANOTHER 'Ouuuraaan' Sopprano and made everyone laugh XD
So, like halfway thoughout the rabid yaoi fangirls started to like get bored and therefore demanded some Yaoi action between Naruto and Itachi (Actually, both of them willingly volunteered) and Sai decided to become the director. Then there was Ichi (I remember your avatar! so cute!) the cameraman and Naruto and Itachi were the scriptwriters themselves. 8D Sakura stayed at a side to watch and fangirl.
Then basically, after that, I shall wait for the pictures to be sent to me before I talk more, because I am very tired and I have to go to the Gazette fan meeting then Kuroichou's meeting afterwards. Busy busy busy day. x_x
Ps: Had fun today everyone! Suddenly I met all the people that I never seen before, and made new friends! XD Thanks Hal for the present! CHOCOS! <3
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
My mum actually agreed to lend me $1.1k to get Shou (DoT Sha) on ONE condition. And that is to get a stable $6/hr job. So, I have officially gone back to job-finding while working as a waitress at the Japanese restaurant.
Ps: FF XII has BISHES. OMFG, the very cute guy died in the beginning. T_T WTF.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
3:05 AM
I am always awake at weird times of the night.
WTF. There is actually a new FS Shirou Tachibana selling somewhere out there. BUT, It's selling for a WOOPIE 16,000 RMB OR 3.1K SGD. That is like, Sha + Ducan + Kirill combined .__.
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
Shirou was actually the first doll to get me into BJDs. I was surfing sgcosplay one fine day using the art room's computer somewhere in july when I came upon this thread about Doll cosplay and the person provided the link. I totally fell in love with the male doll. Well probably because the owner made him cosplay Kenshin. Then I kept returning to look at the doll, but I couldn't find a place to buy them x_x.
Until another fine day, I was looking for boots referance pictures and I found DoD. It was like 3 months after I stopped looking at Shirou? Because I couldn't find the link anymore, and I was super devasted. T_T I forgot how I got the link back, I remember being super happy.
Then when I finally found out the doll's model, and that it was a FS LE Volks Shirou Tachibana, I felt that I wanted to just...DIE. x_x I mean, after searching for months you realise your dream doll is like LE. -_-
AND now I found someone selling him for like 3.1k. TSK. EVERYTHING is going against me. DOLL OWNER-TO-BE ANGST PERIOD. RAWR. D8<
2007 Dolls to get
DoD/DoT Sha = $1.2k SGD (estimate)
DoD/DoC H.Kirill= $750 SGD (estimate)
DoD/DoT H.Ducan = $1.2k SGD (estimate)
All includes face-ups, shippings and clothes.
Total = $3200
I realise I can get them all if I work non-stop for 3 months without cosplaying. x_x
I shall stick to my CLAMP photoshoots, D.greyman photoshoot, Cosfest and EOY. NO MORE Lolita dresses and punk clothes for me. D8
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
3:47 AM
Omg, LOL i forgot the pictures XD Credits to Haku (Cubie) and Usagi-san (Sgcafe) for all the nice photos! I still have a photoshoot on friday so I'll get more nicer ones. XD
Why am I awake at this very moment? Ok, actually it's too cold to sleep and I'm like cuddled up in blankets typing away. XD -cuddles in 'Kenshin' smelling blanket- (I revealed my secret, I am so in love with my blanket, because from my point-of-view, meaning Kenshin's personality and all it kinda makes me think that Kenshin smells like that. Awww, omg I sound so lovesick. -snuggles more into blanket-) I really really really love Kenshin alot. XD Maybe I should name one of my BJDs that.
Bloody photobucket taking so long. -_- Shall switch to imageshack. At least it has that thumbnail thing. ^^
YOU SEE, KAKA is SMILING, Know why? Because he saw Bishoujo walk pass. Tsk, so hentai-ish nyah. XD
Muahahaha, BEWARE, never fall asleep when you have students/dead colleagues plotting revenge on you.
See! I have pretty red katana! Hayate has pretty black one. XD
Selling cookies! XD
Ok, that's the end, I guess people are going mad looking at me (no offence the rest are all pretty people.)
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
I went for my first day of work today. Er, actually, yesterday. Anyway, it was kinda fun actually. Because it was kinda like some trial for me and hayate, we were only supposed to do stuff like pour tea/water for customers and clear the tables. Sometimes we have to do refills and other stuff. But it's really very interesting because if you're someone who always eats in a Japanese restaurant, you'll find it actually very difficult to...shout "Irashaimasen." super loud. It's...like weird la. Overall, I rather liked my job. XD
Okay, maybe half the time while I was pouring the tea and all, i was chanting in my left brain "This is all for the sake of cosplay and SHOU." And the fact that I realised that I can get Shou (DoT Sha) before cosfest! Ignore me, sometimes during the 5-6pm when there are not much people, I tend to do mental calculations and estimations.
Oh, yeah. I think I should explain why I want to get Sha suddenly instead of Ducan. Actually I really don't know. ^^; It's just the feeling that comes and goes? Just like a crush and all. But I'm sure I will still get H.Ducan, because he is the uber smex and he will be my Sasori cosplayer. XD Sha is 100% my Kenshin/Battousai cosplayer. See, the next level of my Kenshin fetish. Hey, I actually kept my hair long because of Kaoru. Heck, I snipped half the length off after I realised that with my hair soooo long, stuffing it ALL into a wig (plaiting and pinning) is not only VERY time-consuming, I get a huge headache. Urgh. D8
I see the light to getting Shou one step closer! Maybe, it's just the fatigue. LOL, I shall retire into dreamland now. XD
Sunday, December 17, 2006
7:55 PM
I'm here to blog about EOY! YAY. XD I'm still tired and want to sleep somemore x_x.
Thanks to all who took our pictures, Cubie took some nice ones, I'll upload later~
I conclude that, I will always bring my OWN pulley luggage to any event. It will include a COMB, EXTRA clothes and MONEY. Seriously, why didn't I bring more money? I was afraid that i might lose it and all x_x
SO, Eoy day started very early, around 7am. I was called awake by Hayate. XD After I bathed, by 8.30 Neji and Kakashi came! Omg, they were like so early. So we all did our make-ups, wiggys and wore our costumes (after much angst and fussiness) and we were all ready by 11.30am! Thanks to Hayate's daddy who drove us to the expo! XD
(I keep getting distracted by reading more Naruto fanfics x_x) Anyway, we arrived at the Expo at 12pm and we couldn't find Anko, Neji and Kakashi (They look a different taxi and somehow got lost at the expo) so I called Kimimaro (Sh9o) and we somehow found our way to the booth (Thanks riko/itachi for renting for us!) and left our things there. We went to the toilet and saw the rest of the people, every thing was a big blur for me, because of my contacts and the huge amount of people. x_x
Anyway, Short summary = LOTS of flashes, cool cosplayers, killer boots and FUN! I'm looking forward to cosfest next year! (Reeeally hope there can be 2 days, I want to do another cosplay =3=)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
11:16 PM
x____x DIZZY. I shall post tomorrow. I WANT TO SLEEP.
I have the tendancy to propose to Kazuki now and get him to teach me to control threads. -_- Of course, I wouldn't mind him two-timing with Juubei because I get to see all the yaoi action. -Smirks evilly-.
Okay, maybe a bit. EOY WAS VERY VERY FUN! OMEDETTO, GOKUROSAMA-DESHITA! We have completed EOY, next is our Naruto photoshoot, CLAMP and finally next year's cosfest! XD
Really, I will blog about EOY tomorrow, once most of the photos come out. Sakura is a very unpopular character. D8, NVM, it's Luppi next year so I will get fangirls like KAKA.
-Plomps down to bed and falls asleep-
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
Back to reality though, HELLO ALL! It is 3 in the morning and Sakura (I have gone into character mode) is VERY VERY BUSY, TIRED, ANGRY and... SUPER EXCITED! All the work for 5 months will all be down to today desu! (Add in all the money saved. -grumbles away-) Anyway, in another 5 hours I have to get up and start doing makeup and wig stuffs.
Yes, I am STILL memorizing hand seals, so far I only remember Tiger and horse. -_- Pathetic me. T_T
AND I am reading Sakurax (insert Bishe) Fanfics to get into character! (Godammit My eyes are BLURRED.) I am STARING at the calender and going, It is DECEMBER 16, it is DECEMBER 16, My first event that I am cosplaying, My first time wearing a costume public, my first time wearing boots out, my first time as a cosplayer. OMFG, i am dying from the excitment la.
Fine, I shall go to bed. I might become Panda Sakura tomorrow if I still don't sleep x_x
Friday, December 15, 2006
12:52 AM
Hello all, are you suffering from symptoms such as,
1. Cleaning your Katana over and over again?
2. Randomly losing your temper and sleep?
3. One day seems like a week?
4. Making plans and going haywire over them?
5. Warming yourself with a cup of oats while watching Naruto's anime all over again?
Good'ole you! -pats back- You're not suffering from love sickness, nor Jobless syndrome! I present, you [ THE ACUTE EOY STRESS DIESEASE ]
On a second note, Welcome to my world.
A few things to share,
1. I got a call from a Japanese Restaurant and they asked me and Hayate to go for a trial next tuesday. (YIPEE!)
2. I guess everyone knows, EOY is TOMORROW. (Yes, prepare for a SUPER long entry.)
I guess nobody I know is going, (expected -_-) So, yeah! See you guys tomorrow at EOY! We're going to have LOTS of fun cause it's our first event, so make it a memorial one!
Guess that's all! See you all (who are going) tomorrow, EXPO HALL A-F 11-6pm. Watch out for the Icha Ramen ANBU team, we're coming around 1pm (^_^) in our cloaks and masks!
Shiwasen no Sakura/Mitsuki shall retire and watch more Naruto!
(Yeejoo if you're reading this, COME TO EXPO or I'll stab you with my Katana D8<)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
1:12 AM
You know, parents have no creativity. Just because I sleep late and use the computer till 2-3am, my mum goes, "If you don't sleep early, Your saturday that whatever thing I won't allow you to go."
And here's the revised version, i included my thoughts.
"If you don't go to sleep early (God save me, she's at it again. Let me guess, she's going to stop me from going to EOY), your saturday that whatever thing (So much for understanding your children and their activities.) I won't allow you to go (Score one for the me! I have supassed my mother's intelligence level)."
And there you have it. And I of course, argue back, "Nothing left to threaten so use EOY on me is it? (Then after EOY what are you going to use?)"
Then she goes on talking about me waking up late. And I ask her, "What's wrong with sleeping in and waking up late? I mean, I have no school, no work and it's not like I'm disturbing your daily activities or private space."
I guessed the thought that flashed through her head was "..... I was defeated. Plan B, Dig up the past and throw it back at her."
So she goes on and on about my habit of sleeping late this year, thus affecting my results and personality yadda yadda yadda... How interesting it is, when they run out of arguements they dig up the past and think that it will affect you? It's not like you've know me for a long time, it's only 16 years, so what past is there to dig up other than the small things that I do you find irritating? I guess I won't understand their mindsets, after all I've only known then for 16 years?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
10:20 PM
Minna-san, Konbanwa! It is 3 days away from EOY! Is everyone ready? XD
I went for a rehersal thingy at Haku's house yesterday! It was so fun! First of all, teasers for y'all!
Hayate, Me and Haku! If you guys were wondering where Neji was....
Well... Yeah. He was off being Gai-wannabe because Lee challenged him. And Neji being uber- I-will-not-lose-to-fuzzy-eyebrows, striked his famous
badly done pose and was caught under camera! (So much for becoming ANBU) Neji, your wig is seriously unsave-able.
But, i took out the rubber bands and gave you a ribbon instead! XD
Green contacts can kill x___x seriously. It irritates your eyes and makes it very dry. My eyes seemed to be unfocused all the time! >_<
Time to bathe! -wiggles off-
Monday, December 11, 2006
10:30 PM
OMG OMG OMG. Why did I paint my mask at THIS time?T__T It's @#^@&$ rushing. OKAY, shall not complain. Shall just start painting. This week is a BUSY week! EOY is in 5 freaking days! RAWR, DIE!
Tomorrow, me, hayate, haku and maybe anko are having a small full dress rehersal thing at neji's house. AND, RAWR, my acne isn't becoming better! At least, no more pus. But the redness is still there. I plucked my eyebrows at hayate's house today, (Thank you Auntie aka Hayate's mummy!) and I have serious packing to do today.
Things to do:
- Sew bag for Katana
- Paint mask
- Get arm guards
- Pack stuff.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
12:38 PM
Ya know, Kakashi, drop the jounin jacket and fluffy clothes and change into your anbu uniform and I shall worship the ground you step on. XD
I just realised that while in Higurashi No Naka Koro Ni they have THE 'Oyashiro-sama', in Naruto, Hidan has his 'Jushin(or whatever)-sama'. All weird occult gods that either make you into an alien with preteh eyes or make you immortal and start killing people. ^^;
7 days, 1 week to EOY! XD I need to get that stupid acne spot off my face and my eyebrows plucked. I asked my mum to help me cut the slit on the side of my anbu uniform higher, and she refused to. SO MUCH for the "I learned how to sew when I was young." theory. >_>
I'm going to make a X'mas wishlist of bishes!
(Dear Santa, I saw you kissing some little boy's mom, so you better give them to me or I'll tell. >8D)
1. KENSHIN (Did I mention I have Kenshin fetish? Well, I just did!)
2. Rikugou (-squeals- )
3. Seiryuu (-faints-)
4. Guren (Give me all the bishes in Shounen Onmyouji)
5. Wolfram-chan! (AWWW~)
6. Hikaru (He's the badder twin. But I like him >8D)
7. Inu-chan (All time favourite, can't forget him! XD)
8. All the bishes in Get backers (I counted 9! 9!)
9. KANDA aka YUU-chan!
10. RABI!
11. Gaara
12. Sasori (WHY DID YOU DIE? Kishimoto I hate you for making Sakura kill him.)
13. Dei-chan! (Cute,yeah.)
14. Itachi-sama (I have been reading too many fanfics)
15. Neji
That's all for now... XD
Friday, December 08, 2006
9:18 PM
HELLO ALL! Transform me into a cute boy, stuff my head down the toilet bowl, press flush and transport me to the world of Kyou kara Maou where I have a long haired bishe blushing and nosebleeding at me.
NOOO, Seimei! Why do you have to be OLD?! OK, what am I rambling about? If anyone watches Shounen Onmyouji and loves bishes, you'll cry with me.
On another note...Why is there a long hair bishe named...GWEN!? (i was wtf-ing all the way)
Hello, Bishe. -SLAP- Agree! Agree! I'm actually proposing to you. XD No, not you unless you're a bishe. -_-
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
Evidence : This is Abe no Seimei, Mashiro's grandaddy.
And why I'm sobbing my heart out:
His younger version.
SEE! LOOK! DROOL! -sobs away-
8 days to EOY!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
8:49 PM
Today...I have....COLLECTED MY COSTUME! My whole window is hanging with stuffs now. 10 days to EOY and I have officially completed my costume! I have everything! XD OMG -squeals crazily-
Because my FUCKING hp cannot connect to the computer, I cannot give everyone a sneak preview. Oh wait! I CAN! -snaps a billion pictures of herself- OK, LOL I shall choose the nicest one. TADAH, Sakura preview cosplay. Don't flame, It'll break my poor heart. T^T
And this... Is how my room looks like now. 10 days before EOY.
*Hearts Tetsu a bit more*
Do you know why Singapore's unemployment rate is so high? It's because even restaurants that offer $4/hour don't hire 16 year olds looking desperatly for a job. So what the fuck are those unemployed adults complaining about? Yeah yeah, I know you need to pay your house rent, car rent, whatever shit. No money, move back to your parent's house! Like I don't? I have to pay for my Katana, I still owe my mum $40 and I need $12 for EOY's enterance. Don't forget I still have a DOLLFIE TO BUY? This is the life of a teenager. GEDDIT?
Don't say it's useless, if not I'll grab your rolex or whatever shit and wiggle it in front of your face. I don't buy rolex, I don't buy Ipod, I don't buy adidas or Nike. So, I save up and buy my dollfie. Important to me, I like it, I'm treasuring it. So, any other comments, kindly talk to the many walls residing next to you, or simply fuck off.
After all the rambling, I shall say something nice. I have my costume 90% complete! Left with a wig cap which i'm getting tomorrow and some other random stuff which can exist or not. I've got my green contacts, ANBU mask, getting my costume tomorrow. AND, EOY is in 10 DAYS!
Time passes really fast eh? I've been looking for a job for like, 6 days? SOMEBODY BLOODY HIRE ME. RAWR. D8<
I want my chi/wa loli dress. T^T
Saturday, December 02, 2006
10:36 PM
Greetings all, I'm back to the blog after so long. Many things have happened and all. Firstly was the Malaysia trip, just gonna ramble about it. Then was the FRAUD job. And lastly, today's job hunting experience.
Wait, Let me bathe first. -scrambles off to the bath-
-Pops back-
I'm tired. Basically, Cameron Highlands is a really nice place. That is if you minus away the irritating bugs hiding in your bathroom, throwing up you breakfast + Enzymes + water. Malacca has nice punk clothes. ANYWAY, just shop when you're in Malaysia. Everything's half the price! I boought my green contacts there! XD Now all's left is the ANBU mask! Okay... haha, excuse me, EOY is in 13 days! XD
You know what, Fuck job hunting. It is the WORST thing ever. I HATE IT. I need the money though. T^T
Someone think of something for me to cosplay in Jan. -wibbles away-
-designing Aoi's cap-
Gwendolyn Peh (Also responds to Guantou, Can food)
16 (On July 16)
155 - 156 cm
( Yes, I'm short and i'm proud of it!)
Maintaining GWENDOLYN
Give her lots of
- Anime and manga(My life revolves around them)
Qian Yi
&& my designer.